Demystifying Front-of-Package Labeling Requirements: A Guide for Artwork Management

According to the World Health Organization, one in eight people worldwide is obese. Today’s health-conscious customers are highly particular about their food products' sugar and fat content. With obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure becoming rampant, front-of-package labeling provides the perfect insight into the ingredient list and the corresponding nutrition information.
However, with new laws and regulations constantly changing, navigating the maze of front-of-package labeling (FOPL) compliance requirements demands a careful and modern approach to artwork management.
With obesity and other diet-related diseases on the rise, front-of-package nutritional label requirements are constantly evolving. In addition to displaying ingredient and nutrition information on the back of packages, these regulations aim to introduce important health information on front of pack, to improve consumer food nutritional knowledge and encourage healthier and more informed food choices.
From nutrient-specific labels to allergy information, modern regulations look to nip the challenge in the bud, catering mainly to brands that make misleading health and nutrition claims on their packages for promotion purposes. Modern FOPL models are designed to provide simplified nutrition information on the front of pre-packaged foods via color-coded models, warning labels, scale-based graded labels, and endorsement symbols.
How FOPNL Policies Work
Let’s look at some of the global front-of-package labeling requirements:
Today’s consumers demand high levels of transparency in the foods they consume. Therefore, they require greater access to nutrition information to identify healthier food choices, improve eating patterns, and boost health and wellness. While back-of-pack labeling offers necessary nutrition and warning information, there are several proposals from bodies like FDA and FSSAI to incorporate some of this information also on front-of-pack. Front-of-pack nutrition labeling (FOPNL) , expected to become a mandate in the coming months, would require companies to include key nutrient details on front labels in addition to the label on the back.
FOPNL aims to convey the health impact of the food and beverages consumers consume, especially to busy and unaware consumers. While many countries already have front-of-package nutrition labels such as a stop symbol or warning label on products that are high in sugar or fat,
For instance, as the Indian food market witnesses a surge in pre-packaged processed food purchases, the Food Safety Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is expected to tighten FOPNL requirements, to help consumers make healthier decisions. It is proposing a star rating for products like packaged and processed food that indicates the nutritional value of an item.
Similarly, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is considering rolling out nutrition labeling options for front-of-pack on products that contain high amounts of sugar, saturated fat, and sodium.
Many food items contain flavoring agents or additives that increase shelf life or taste but harm health. These substances are added to meet the needs of large-scale food processing or modify the sensory properties of foods. To ensure transparency and avoid misleading consumers, the health risks of these substances are constantly evaluated by bodies like the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA).
Global FOPNL authorities mandate warning indications in shapes, text, or colors to inform consumers about the high levels of a specific additive or harmful ingredient in a food item, including sugar, sodium, and saturated fats, helping them differentiate between healthy and unhealthy food items.
For instance, for harmful products like pan masala, FSSAI requires brands to display a warning statement that covers at least 50% of the front-of-pack label.
Global Front-of-Pack Nutrition Label Formats
As nutrition labeling requirements evolve, a modern artwork management solution can help address unhealthy food environments. Proper labeling can empower consumers to get at-a-glance nutritional information, easily distinguish between healthy and unhealthy food and drink options and make healthier choices.
Here are some capabilities to look for while choosing an artwork management solution to simplify compliance:
As consumers become increasingly conscious of their health, front-of-package labeling requirements constantly evolve. Aimed at helping consumers make the right food choices, CPG companies must have the right tools and strategies to navigate the maze of new and updated FOPL regulations.
An artwork management platform like ManageArtworks can simplify FOPL via automated workflows, version control, and AI-powered proofing tools. It can empower companies to keep up with an evolving regulatory landscape, ensure compliance with the latest requirements, and effectively communicate nutrition, harmful ingredients, and allergen information.
Contact us to know more.