Identify spot and CMYK colors
Seamlessly identify both spot colors and CMYK shades to gain a comprehensive understanding of all the colors used in your packaging artwork.
Seamlessly identify both spot colors and CMYK shades to gain a comprehensive understanding of all the colors used in your packaging artwork.
Toggle between distinct colors (e.g., viewing just the Cyan layer or just the Black layer) to understand their impact on the design. Detect areas with excessive ink usage, ensuring a smoother printing process.
Handpick specific regions in your design and analyze their color density in percentage, square centimeters, and square inches to access color depth and luminance foroptimal print quality.
Generate detailed reports of color analysis, ink coverage percentages, density measurements as well as your own comments and annotations.
Generate detailed reports of color analysis, ink coverage percentages, density measurements as well as your own comments and annotations.
For packaging designs that require special printing techniques (like spot varnishing or foil stamping), color separation is essential for defining which areas of the design receive these treatments.
By optimizing the use of inks and reducing the need for reprints due to color inaccuracies, color separation tools can lead to cost savings in the long run.