
Digital Asset Management (DAM) for Packaging – Helping Brands Optimize Workflows and Enhance Collaboration


Packaging drives brand sales and revenue while enhancing customer loyalty and satisfaction. Yet, keeping pace with trends and requirements can be difficult for companies with various products. You must adopt a digital asset management solution to get everyone on the same page, streamline workflows for maximum efficiency, and minimize errors. 

Read on to uncover how a digital asset management platform can help you enhance accuracy, improve compliance, reduce the number of iterations, minimize delays, and expedite the launch of your products.

Common Packaging Challenges

Brands often face unique packaging and artwork management challenges across content management, artwork review and approval, printing, and more. Let’s look at the top packaging concerns facing modern organizations:

  • Multiple SKUs: Maintaining consistency in packaging design can get extremely difficult for companies with products running along various SKUs. With different products having different sizes, shapes, or requirements, developing a packaging system where components can be designed or adjusted based on the SKU is challenging. 
  • Constantly changing requirements: As new trends emerge; brands often have difficulty incorporating or integrating them into the packaging design. Constantly changing requirements impact version control, tracking modifications, and ensuring stakeholders work with the latest packaging version is challenging. 
  • New regulations: A dynamic and volatile regulatory environment influences compliance, causing hurdles in maintaining brand consistency across all products and markets. The inability to keep up with new regulations increases the risk of recalls, leading to not just waste but also high operational costs and poor customer satisfaction. 
  • Multiple siloed systems: The dependence on multiple siloed systems for packaging design causes stakeholders to spend extensive time finding the correct information, collaborating with peers, and streamlining the artwork review process. In the long run, this impacts overall productivity and efficiency and delays time-to-market. 

How a Digital Asset Management Platform Solves Them

Developing creative, innovative, and effective packaging for different products requires companies to consider countless factors. From the intended target audience to the overall brand message, features, etc., companies must develop packaging in a way that allows customers to easily distinguish between different products while maintaining consistent branding across the product line.

As companies look to overcome common packaging challenges, a digital asset management platform offers the perfect solution to manage files in one place. Modern DAMs handle hundreds of file formats across product briefs, specification documents, font files, source files, images, pack shots, and promotional videos, making them highly versatile and suitable across all department needs. 

Centralized permission control ensures secure and regulated access, which is crucial for maintaining the confidentiality and compliance of digital assets.

  • Centralized storage of packaging assets: A robust digital asset management platform allows packaging teams to store, organize, and manage packaging assets from a central system. With easy search and retrieval options, such a platform enables seamless access to product pack copy and simplified content versioning, approvals, and translations
  • Simplified version control: Modern DAM platforms also offer automatic version control capabilities, making tracking changes across the packaging lifecycle easy.  Such automation guarantees teams view, work on, and share the latest approved version of the file, reducing the risk of errors.
  • Automated proofing: Automated, AI-enabled proofing capabilities and comparison tools help identify errors in digital designs and print proofs early in packaging. Teams can leverage these tools to examine colors, layers, fonts, and barcodes, spell-check content in multiple languages, and compare artworks, leaflets, inserts, and proofs. They can also create and manage workflows with serial and parallel routing and accelerate artwork review and approval 
  • Customized checklists: Modern digital asset management solutions also offer customizable checklists that help stakeholders stay on track and complete all necessary steps. By viewing published and in-progress files directly within the system, stakeholders can streamline the packaging process from creation to approval and publication – improving delivery while minimizing errors. 

Reimagine Packaging with ManageArtworks

Packaging is crucial in strengthening brand value and improving customer loyalty and value in a highly competitive business landscape. Investing in a robust digital management platform opens doors to high efficiency, accuracy, and compliance levels for improved packaging artwork management

Modern digital asset management solutions offer the ideal set of capabilities to simplify and streamline the packaging process. Centralized storage of packaging assets makes it easy for stakeholders to access, view, and share copy and content. At the same time, modern version control capabilities ensure they work only with the latest, approved version of files.

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