
How Artwork Management Systems Unlock Hidden Insights for Informed Decisions


Artwork review is a time and effort-intensive process. When done right, it can enable businesses to quickly bring products to the market, outdo competition, and enhance customer satisfaction. When not, it can lead to several repercussions, including delayed time-to-market, high costs, and poor customer experience. 

Artwork management systems play a massive role in getting the artwork right the first time around. Offering a range of built-in analytics and reporting capabilities, they unearth several critical insights into the artwork review process, enabling decision-makers to make timely, evidence-based decisions. 

Read on as we explain the benefits of a modern artwork management system and showcase how a platform like ManageArtworks empowers enhanced decision-making through access to critical reports.  

The Benefits of a Modern Artwork Management System

Modern artwork management systems transform how teams work by enabling better collaboration, efficiency, and time-to-market. They go beyond project management systems, establishing new quality standards, compliance, and change management levels.

As a centralized platform, they allow stakeholders to access all artwork-related information in a single place, thus streamlining the artwork review and approval process.

  • Dynamic dashboards provide real-time tracking of projects with a visual representation for quick assessment of project statuses, enhancing project execution
  • End-to-end audit trails enable stakeholders to track all changes to packaging content and artwork review, ensuring transparency and accountability. And improving project visibility.
  • Through early identification of potential delays or issues, artwork management systems allow for proactive management, reducing the risk of project overruns and enhancing risk management.
  • Modern artwork management systems can handle multiple projects simultaneously, improving scalability and flexibility for businesses of all sizes.
  • Failure to complete regulatory submissions within the specified time frame can result in penalties that may rapidly accumulate for each product.
  • Automated workflows and reminders alleviate the load on project managers, reducing administrative burden.

Beyond bringing these efficiencies and helping in cost saving, let us take a look at how a robust artwork management solution can influence the top line and unlock untapped revenue streams.

ManageArtworks Reporting Capabilities 

When it comes to artwork management, several critical decisions have to be made on the fly. Since any error can have a long-lasting impact on the brand's success, detecting them before products hit the shelf is the need of the hour. But with so many different artwork types, versions, and formats, timely and accurate decision-making is often a far-fetched dream. 

Modern artwork management systems like ManageArtworks empower users with valuable insights that boost project management efficiency. Real-time project tracking capabilities and custom workflows enable stakeholders to unearth critical information from every stage of the artwork lifecycle. 

From detailed audit logs to color and font analysis, reasons for project delays, and the status of various artworks, ManageArtworks’ comprehensive reporting capabilities provide access to predefined views encompassing project and user-related data, enabling users to unlock hidden insights for informed decisions.

Let’s look at some ManageArtworks reports:

  • Projects: As the complexity of artwork increases, it becomes challenging to stay up to date with the progress of different projects. ManageArtworks allows users to access various reports focusing on other aspects of project management. Completed project reports offer a comprehensive overview of workflows that have been completed. Whereas, in-progress project reports provide real-time visibility into ongoing activities, aiding in project tracking and management. Stakeholders can also access the total workflows report to get a holistic view of all workflows and improve their understanding of the overall project landscape. At the same time, they can get reports that highlight on-time and delayed projects count.
  • Right first time: Getting artwork right the first time is extremely important, especially for companies in the CPG and pharma industries. ManageArtworks’ right-first-time report delivers a count and percentage of projects successfully completed without requiring revisions. This report indicates the efficiency of project execution and serves as a benchmark for artwork accuracy and precision.
  • Reason for rejection: Artworks, when rejected, can lead to several far-reaching consequences for companies. However, to make amends, it is essential to understand why the artwork was rejected in the first place. The reason for the rejection report is to provide a broad overview of the quality metrics and parameters of the artwork in question. Offering a general assessment of the quality landscape allows stakeholders to gauge the overall quality status, understand the reason for artwork rejection, and take necessary steps to improve the quality.
  • Average time taken: As companies look to quickly bring products to the market, the average time taken report displays the typical duration to complete projects or specific quality-related processes. This helps evaluate the time efficiency of the quality-related workflows, providing critical insights into process optimization opportunities.
  • Task loading: Accelerating time-to-market is a priority for almost every company today. ManageArtworks’ task loading reports offer much-needed insights into task status. Stakeholders can track in-progress tasks and monitor ongoing activities to ensure timely completion. They can get a general idea of overdue tasks and promptly identify and address delayed assignments. Managers can also get insight into task completion by individual users and evaluate personal performance and productivity.
  • Files: With companies working on many different artworks and their versions, tracking them across SKUs can be a Herculean task. In ManageArtworks, users can access detailed reports on the other artworks currently in progress, including the total number of files and files with multiple versions, revisions, and updates. Users can also get a synopsis of the various file types, such as packaging artwork, dieline, KLD, etc.

All reports are represented as a pie or bar chart with inbuilt filters based on date or any other project field. Users can drill-down from these charts and see the data behind it. This data can be further sorted, grouped or filtered. There is also a trend chart for each report which shows the change over time. Seeing the trend gives a clear indication if things are going well or not. All reports can be exported into an Excel format for offline processing.

Whether you want to orchestrate projects, meet deadlines, or get all your artwork copy seamlessly collated and approved, an artwork management system like ManageArtworks can help you achieve all this and more. Embrace the platform today to streamline your artwork management and review process and unlock critical insights from across the lifecycle for quicker and better artwork decisions.

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